Available: Now

Devil's Due Era 2001-2008 + More
An Unofficial G.I. Joe Comics Guide
by Josh Eggebeen & Roger Taft
Features exclusive cover art by Devil's Due Comics founder Josh Blaylock and his crew
144 full color pages printed on 100# paper
8.5” x 11” magazine size publication
Perfect binding with a visible spine
An unofficial G.I. JOE Comics Guide
The concept was conceived decades ago by Roger Taft then during the spring CO-VID 2020 shutdown, he called Josh Eggebeen to pitch him with the question "Want to do a project that will take a year?" And so AFTER ACTION REPORT VOL 1 began with a successful Kickstarter in October 2020, final book was in hand in September 2021.
AFTER ACTION REPORT VOL 2 tells the story of Devil's Due Comics' Josh Blaylock who is credited in the early 2000s with bringing an entire genre back to the mainstream - 1980s properties. He started by obtaining the G.I. Joe license from Hasbro and blowing open the doors of comic shops as thousands of comic fans returned to the comic market to pick up the new G.I. Joe comic released on September 12th, 2001.
AFTER ACTION REPORT VOL 2 is only for sale on this website and wherever the authors can sell them in person, which is generally at conventions like Joefest.
Forward by former Devil's Due Publishing publisher Sam Wells
Exclusive Interviews
Josh Blaylock, Mark Powers, Brandon Jerwa, Tim Seeley, Marshall Dillon even military consultant Tilman Goins + the introduction by Sam Wells.
Exclusive Articles
DDP Era Newsstands Explained
History of G.I. Joe & the Transformers Crossovers Part 2
Inspiring Movies
Benchmark Comics Presentation
Rise of the Forum by Justin Bell
Photo contributions from James Kavanaugh
Collector's Guide Book for G.I. Joe A Real America Hero (ARAH) Comics includes:
From Image Comics
ARAH #1-25 Main Series
ARAH Front Line
ARAH Battle Files
G.I. Joe vs the Transformers
From Devil's Due Publishing
ARAH #26-43 Main Series
Master & Apprentice 1 & 2
All Declassified Series
ARAH America's Elite
America's Elite Handbook & Data Desk
G.I. Joe vs the Transformers II
G.I. Joe vs the Transformers The Art of War
G.I. Joe vs the Transformers Black Horizon
From Dreamwave Productions
Transformers G.I. Joe
Transformers G.I. Joe Divided Front
From Hasbro
Comic 3 Figure Packs
Comic 2 Figure Packs - Reprints
Comic 2 Figure - Original Stories
Comic Toy Catalogs
From Fun Publishing
G.I. Joe vs Cobra Retail & JoeCon
G.I. Joe Collector's Club Magazine